

Currently a college student, I am working toward a degree in art and entrepreneurial business. I have always loved creative hobbies including painting, drawing, collage, interior design, and fashion. I have been working with oils for several years and have a strong drawing background. My goal for every painting is to capture the personality of each individual animal.

...and Animal Lover


When I was encouraged to paint pet portraits, I should not have been so surprised. My services as a pet portraitist combine my love for art and my love (bordering on an unhealthy obsession) of animals. I love all animals and hope some of you with exotic and unusual pets contact me for a portrait! That would be very exciting!

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I have volunteered in local animal shelters and strongly support no kill shelters. I am currently looking into charites, with the intention to donate 10% of profits to a selected cause.

Pet Portraits by Grace Warrington