I worked on the shadows on the couch and am now satisfied with the portrait. It was a lot of fun to work on.
Step 4: Finished Painting
I also started one of two portraits for Caplin Rous, the world's most famous CAPYBARA! You can visit his blog at Capybara Madness. I selected this reference photograph for several reasons:
1) Caplin and his owner look so genuinely happy, it makes me happy :D
2) I have never painted a large oil portrait of a person before
3) The movement and reflection on the water will be cool to paint
4) As a compostion, it is very stong
5) Did I mention how cute it is?

I started the painted sketch. It's rough, but it always develops into more as you work. And thats why I love painting.

Step 1: Painted Sketch

Pet Portraits by Grace Warrington